Interested in joining our team?
To apply for employment with Ventura Directional Drilling, please fill out the employment inquiry form below and attach a completed application form and your resume.
This form is for general roles including technical, administrative and skilled labor. If you are a licensed commercial driver, you'll need to complete a separate application that covers your licensing, driving history and related matters. Please visit "Commercial Drivers" to apply.
This form is for general roles including technical, administrative and skilled labor. If you are a licensed commercial driver, you'll need to complete a separate application that covers your licensing, driving history and related matters. Please visit "Commercial Drivers" to apply.
INSTRUCTIONSStep 1 : complete Employment Consideration ConsentPlease download our Employment Consideration Consent form; fill out the form completely - digitally or by hand on a printed copy. Once complete please upload forms under "Employment Inquiry"
Step 2 : prepare digital copiesIf you fill out the form by hand, scan the completed document and email to [email protected]. You'll also want to have a digital or scanned copy of your resume.
Step 3 : SUBMIT YOUR INQUIRYFill out the employment inquiry form and attach your completed Ventura Directional Drilling application form and your resume.
STEP 4: iNTERVIEW & dOCUMENTSIf you are asked to come in for an interview, please bring the following;
Please allow 24-48 hours for the hiring manager to get in touch with you regarding employment opportunities.