Interested in DRIVING with our team?
To apply for employment with Ventura Directional Drilling, please fill out the employment inquiry form below and attach a completed application form and your resume.
This form is for commercial drivers. If you are not a licensed commercial driver and you want to apply for a technical, administrative or skilled labor role, please visit "General Applicants" to submit an application.
This form is for commercial drivers. If you are not a licensed commercial driver and you want to apply for a technical, administrative or skilled labor role, please visit "General Applicants" to submit an application.
INSTRUCTIONSStep 1 : COMPLETE EMPLOYMENT CONSIDERATION CONSENTPlease download our Employment Consideration Consent form, fill out the form completely - digitally or by hand on a printed copy. Once complete, please upload form under "Employment Inquiry"
Step 2 : prepare digital copiesIf you fill out the form by hand, scan the completed document and email to [email protected]. You'll also want to have a digital or scanned copy of your resume.
Step 3 : SUBMIT YOUR INQUIRYFill out the employment inquiry form and attach your completed Ventura Directional Drilling application form and your resume.
STEP 4 : INTERVIEW AND DOCUMENTSIf you are asked to come in for an interview, please bring the following;
Please allow 24-48 hours for the hiring manager to get in touch with you regarding employment opportunities.